Earth Day 2021: How to Teach Your Little Ones About the Importance of Saving the Planet with Books to Help
Today is Earth Day, so we thought we’d share some ideas on how you can educate your little ones on the importance of saving our planet. The current climate crisis is not the most light hearted of subjects, so teaching your young ones about it can sometimes feel challenging. It’s therefore key to share knowledge and ideas on how to save the planet in a fun and inspiring way.
The key to making the planet a better place is education and understanding that everyone, no matter how young, can do their bit to help the planet.

As a parent you want to protect your children at all costs. Teaching them how to safely cross the road, for example, and the difference between right and wrong are key. Now, due to the ever changing state of our planet’s health, environmental awareness is quickly becoming a vital part of the education system.
When it comes to protecting your child’s future it’s important to teach them as much as you can about climate change and the unsustainable habits of the modern world. Things like carbon footprints and recycling, are great ways to introduce your children to the effect they can have on the planet. With the help of informative books and online resources, tackling this subject can be a fun, educational journey for you and your kids to embark on.

Get Muddy!
One way that can help your little ones learn about the importance of looking after Earth is to go out into nature. Lots of studies show a growing disconnect that many children feel towards nature. iPads and YouTube can be great sources for fun and education but, when it comes to learning about the planet there is no better way than to get your children out in the mud, exploring and learning together about the benefits of nature.

Whether it’s a walk in your local park or a camping trip, nature is the ultimate teacher and campaigner for why it is important to help save the planet. If you have a garden you could bring nature to them by planting seeds and watching them grow. This will teach them, on a small scale, how plants provide the oxygen we breathe. Leading them to understand the large-scale problems we face when it comes to deforestation and the dangers of global warming.
As your child grows they will become more curious about the world. This inquisitiveness is an amazing quality when it comes to the environment. As a parent you won’t have all the answers to their questions but there are plenty of books that can help. ‘Curious Questions and Answers About Our Planet’, is a great book for the big questions, introducing ideas in a friendly and informative way. It also provides tips and practical ways your child can help the planet.
Get historic
The history of the planet is also essential to understanding why the earth is in need of help. Looking at the effects of the Industrial Revolution and the consumerist culture of the mid twentieth century onwards will help your children understand how our planet has got to this point.
A great way of showing your little ones the problems surrounding mass consumption is getting them to think about where their old clothes, toys, and food go. From beginning to end, ask them to think about the entire cycle of a Barbie doll for example. You could even research the time it takes for plastic to decompose.
Once they understand the effects of consumerism on the planet, you can look into sustainable lifestyle choices that you and your family can implement together. Waste and landfills are a huge issue. So learning how to reuse, fix, and recycle belongings by learning how to sew and fix old clothes is a great way of reducing your carbon footprint.
Another idea is creating a compost bin for your food waste. As the saying goes, one species’ waste is another species’ food. Dung beetles are a great example of this and by using your compost heap to grow plants in your garden your children will be able to see this cycle in front of their own eyes.

As daunting as these topics can appear there is no better time to start learning about the planet and looking at ways in which you can help right now. From the fires in Australia to the extinction of exotic animals, the problems the planet faces are not slowing down. So in order to help the earth recover we need to act now, by educating the future generation.
‘Wild about Planet Earth’ is packed with facts and information about how the world works, from the layers of the Earth’s core to the wonders of the planet. This book will get your kids excited about saving the planet by looking at the problems in a hopeful and achievable way.

Earth Day 2021
Today is Earth Day, and a great way of getting your kids interested in saving the planet. Why not set some challenges like having a zero waste day this week or seeing what you can create from old cardboard boxes. A good rule of thumb when it comes to looking after the planet is to treat everyday like it’s Earth Day because small but consistent actions can make a big impact. Inspiring these thoughts while they are young will ensure your children continue looking after the planet as they get older.
You can find our full educational Miles Kelly book selection here. Be sure to tag us on Instagram in any of your Earth Day activities, we’d love to see them!